Taking Away the Car Keys
Talking to Your Loved One About Giving Up the Car Keys
There comes a point when driving is no longer a safe option for seniors. The decision to take away the car keys from a parent or other family member is not an easy decision to make. It will most likely affect the entire dynamic of the family and personally affect your loved one. For many seniors, their car keys represent an important piece of their independence. Losing the ability to safely drive will eliminate some of their freedom and independence. This loss may cause feelings of isolation and even depression.
In addition to the affects it may have on your loved one, it will also require that other family members step up and figure out a plan for proper transportation for your loved one. They will still want to be able to get out of the house and will need to continue a routine that is as normal as possible. It is often not possible for them to solely rely on public transportation, and some may not be comfortable with this. A schedule might need to be arranged so that various family members are helping with the transportation needs of your loved one.
Asking your aging loved one to hand over their car keys may not be as simple as it sounds. It may take some convincing for them to realize that this is the safest option for them. If their health is declining in a way that negatively affects their driving, some action needs to be taken. Gently expressing your concerns and effectively communicating your reasons for wanting to take away their car keys may help them better understand why this is the best choice for them.
To know exactly when this decision needs to be made, there are some specific signs to watch for and be aware of. In the articles below you will learn about how to communicate with your loved one about this decision and when the best time to talk to them would be.